Triangle Bezel Rivolis
I adore geometric beadwork, and I have been working on this for about a year now. Each of these main pieces uses a round rivoli in a triangular bezel which to hold it in place.
As is probably a now familiar theme, stitching the individual elements is great fun but putting them together can be a chore.
These elements are for a necklace called 'Bermuda Triangle' by Heather Kingsley Heath from Make Jewellery Magazine issue 6, plus I've done an extra five as I enjoyed making them so much. Or they would be if I could put them together so the necklace hangs right. There are 3 types of elements, those shown here, peyote triangles, and peyote triangles with crystal dangles. I wasn't keen on (and couldn't get at the time) the clawed cabachon/crystal settings used to string some of the triangles together so omitted them from my design. Unfortunately getting the tension/technique right to connect everything is proving a bit tricky. A handy tip is also not to burn thread ends off if you need to stitch through the bead it comes out of! The nylon thread I used (S-lon here for the colour) melts and fills it up making things a bit difficult.
I am now in doubt as to whether I will wear such a glamourous piece at all, so am having a rethink! Heather has a design she is teaching at Stitch n Craft with peyote bails on the bezelled rivolis, so I may aim to go that way with it.
Lynn Davy Jungle Collar
This was my first workshop,and the day was amazing! I selected beads I had from a more natural pallet than Lynn's tropical brightly coloured one. I quite quickly regretted this colour choice but have added a bit to it and now I'm too far in to stop and start again, but not far enough to see an end in sight!I will finish it, I will.....

I made this dragonfly for my Jungle Collar, and am really pleased with him, but he's a bit big to blend in. I've now plan to make an embroidered pendant or brooch to sit him on. A stiffer base should also help prevent the wings from catching during wear than on more supple beadwork.